Providing world-class solutions to patients who don't have access to the healthcare they deserve. We appreciate your generosity!
DonateSo many nonprofits exist to help find solutions for these conditions, but most are just using money to search for new drugs or injections. We want to help find solutions to these problems using world class, alternative healthcare not involving drugs or injections.
Many non-profits exist to help find solutions for these conditions, but most are just using the money to funnel directly into Big Pharma, for new drugs or injections. Our
At The Nerve Health Institute®️, we have spent 24 years of developing proprietary methods and technology to help people with challenging health conditions without drugs, injections, surgeries or conventional therapies. The vast majority of our services are NOT covered by insurance.
In 2022, we formed The Nerve Health Foundation (501c3) to enable a way to help those people who need our care but are unable to afford it. We want to offer them world class, alternative, science based healthcare at no out of pocket cost.
The mission of the Nerve Health Foundation is to provide nonsurgical solutions to healing pain and injury by using world-class equipment and treatment methods. This Foundation was created to serve our entire community with an emphasis on underserved populations, such as: 1) individuals who fall under the Federal Poverty Level, based on income and family size and 2) our Veteran population. This Foundation will provide discounted rates based on a sliding fee process to ensure affordable care options for the most vulnerable patient populations in our service area.