The Nerve Health Foundation

Providing world-class solutions to patients who don't have access to the healthcare they deserve. We appreciate your generosity!


Donate To Those Who Can't Afford Proper Healthcare

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Call Shannon Romero or Emily Broussard

The Conditions We Focus On

Our Values


  • Patients: We deliver on commitments
  • We uphold our mission and values
  • Stay authentic and true to ourselves


  • Have our passion inspire others
  • Be inspirational, always push forward
  • Be adaptive, don't get stuck in the past


  • Strive for mastery in our crafts
  • Faster mental & emotional fulfillment
  • Test and learn based on exploration


  • Always help others grow and learn
  • People first, experts second
  • Cohesive team is the most effective

Alternative, World Class Treatment for Neurodegenerative Diseases

So many nonprofits exist to help find solutions for these conditions, but most are just using money to search for new drugs or injections. We want to help find solutions to these problems using world class, alternative healthcare not involving drugs or injections.

Research for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Many non-profits exist to help find solutions for these conditions, but most are just using the money to funnel directly into Big Pharma, for new drugs or injections. Our

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Chris Cormier, DC

Qualifications & Experience
  • B.S. Degree Kinesiology – Louisiana State University (1994)
  • Doctorate Of Chiropractic (D.C.) – Texas Chiropractic College (1998)
  • Nutritional Product Formulator: Chiropractor’s Choice (Released in 2008)
  • Superfruits GT (Released in 2009)
  • Quantum Neurology Practitioner (Completed Training December 2010)
  • Published Author of 3 Books– 1. The Hidden Diagnosis (2012), 2. God’s Amazing Machine (2013), 3. Feel Better Fast (2022)
  • Founder/Inventor of OIL2AIR™, The Natural Air Freshener
  • Proud father to Hayden, Molly and Lucas and husband to wife, Missy.
dr. chris